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MailPro Linux – Correctly configuring DNS Servers

How to correctly configure DNS Servers in case you domain is not hosted on Momit. – In this tutorial we will show the correct DNS Servers configuration for any Hosting Provider in order to use our MailPro Linux solution. The key for coloured items in all Momit tutorials comprises of blue items, which are the variables and needs to be substituted with your own configuration parameters; and of green items, which are independent parameters that need to be used as they appear on the tutorial.

1) The DNS MX (Mail Exchanger) record is the most important configuration for correctly relaying of emails, it allows all computers on the internet to know what are the Momit servers responsible for forwaring mails. The following are the correct settings to be configured on the DNS records:

<domainname>.<TLD> – MX Record – Priority 10 –
<domainname>.<TLD> – MX Record – Priority 20 –
<domainname>.<TLD> – MX Record – Priority 30 –
<domainname>.<TLD> – MX Record – Priority 40 –

It is important to setup all 4 record in order to avoid instability and ensure mail deliverability even during system maintenance. In the event that only one MX Record is set on the DNS table there may be a momentary denial of service during Momit MailPro Linux system maintenance

2) In order to allow client connection for POP3 and IMAP protocol, is important to create the following DNS record:

mail.<domainname>.<TLD> – CNAME Record –

If the record is not set, it will be possible to configure the mail client software by setting as incoming mail server address.

3) To enable Authenticated SMTP outgoing email with Antispam control, the following DNS record must be set:

smtp.<domainname>.<TLD> – CNAME Record –

If the record is not set, it will be possible to configure the mail client software by setting as outgoing mail server address.

4) To increse security on the incoming email system and to get better antispam filter performance is important to create the following DNS record:

<domainname>.<TLD> – TXT Record – “v=spf1 mx -all”

5) To increse security on the outgoing email system and to get better outgoing mail performance towards other domains is important to create the following DNS record:

<domainname>.<TLD> – TXT Record – “v=DKIM1; g=*; k=rsa; p=<Dkim key>;”

To generate the correct Dkim key, shown here as <Dkim key>>, it is important to login on the Cloud Antispam system and select “DKIM Certificate Generator”. In the name field is better to input the <domainname> to be set as well on the DNS record itself.

6) If the external DNS table provider allows the creation of redirect rules, it is possible to create the webmail address by setting the following DNS record:

http://webmail.<domainname>.<TLD> – Redirect Record –

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