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The Mail Smart Hosting solution is perfect for pairing email services to a new domain or business activity. Smart Mail solutions are simple to set up, packed full of features and protected by backup, antivirus and antispam systems to guarantee the security of your data.

The convenient Webmail interface also lets you manage your mail via simple internet connection and any desktop, smart-phone or tablet browser. A control panel allows you to easily manage everything independently and add or remove inboxes to avoid wasting space.

The Mail Smart Hosting is included in all our Windows Hosting and Linux Hosting plans. Check the Mail Smart features in the table below to compare with MailPro solutions and check out MailPro Windows and MailPro Linux if you need more advanced features.


  Mail Smart MailPro Linux MailPro Windows
Max Space for single mailbox The hosting space available Depending on the plan 30 Gb
Distribution groups Unlimited Depending on the plan unlimited
Mail Protocols POP, IMAP POP, IMAP, POPS, IMAPS POP, IMAP, POPS, IMAPS, MAPI, Outlook Anywhere
Authenticated SMTP Included Included Included
Webmail Access Included, Horde Included, Roundcube Included, Outlook Web
Attachments Max Size 20 Mb 20 Mb 35 Mb
Max amount of mails per hour 30 300 300
Max amount of mails per day 100 3.000 3.000
Max amount of mails per week 700 5.000 5.000
Max amount of mails per month 3.000 20.000 20.000
Antivirus Protection Included, base platform Included, platform CloudAntivirus Included, platform CloudAntivirus
Incoming Antispam Protection Included, base platform Included, platform CloudAntivirus Included, platform CloudAntivirus
Outgoing Antispam Protection Not supported Included, platform CloudAntivirus Included, platform CloudAntivirus
Automatic unlock after spam email event No Yes, after 30 minutes Yes, after 30 minutes
Send/Receive block after mail overquote Yes No No
Send/Receive block after mail overquote Included, Plesk Included, RYO Included, RYO
Internet traffic Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Basic Support Included Included Included
24H Support Optional Optional Optional

The Mail Smart Hosting solution is perfect for pairing email services to a new domain or business activity. Smart Mail solutions are simple to set up, packed full of features and protected by backup, antivirus and antispam systems to guarantee the security of your data.

The convenient Webmail interface also lets you manage your mail via simple internet connection and any desktop, smart-phone or tablet browser. A control panel allows you to easily manage everything independently and add or remove inboxes to avoid wasting space.

The Mail Smart Hosting is included in all our Windows Hosting and Linux Hosting plans. Check the Mail Smart features in the table below to compare with MailPro solutions and check out MailPro Windows and MailPro Linux if you need more advanced features.


  Mail Smart MailPro Linux MailPro Windows
Max Space for single mailbox The hosting space available Depending on the plan 30 Gb
Distribution groups Unlimited Depending on the plan unlimited
Mail Protocols POP, IMAP POP, IMAP, POPS, IMAPS POP, IMAP, POPS, IMAPS, MAPI, Outlook Anywhere
Authenticated SMTP Included Included Included
Webmail Access Included, Horde Included, Roundcube Included, Outlook Web
Attachments Max Size 20 Mb 20 Mb 35 Mb
Max amount of mails per hour 30 300 300
Max amount of mails per day 100 3.000 3.000
Max amount of mails per week 700 5.000 5.000
Max amount of mails per month 3.000 20.000 20.000
Antivirus Protection Included, base platform Included, platform CloudAntivirus Included, platform CloudAntivirus
Incoming Antispam Protection Included, base platform Included, platform CloudAntivirus Included, platform CloudAntivirus
Outgoing Antispam Protection Not supported Included, platform CloudAntivirus Included, platform CloudAntivirus
Automatic unlock after spam email event No Yes, after 30 minutes Yes, after 30 minutes
Send/Receive block after mail overquote Yes No No
Send/Receive block after mail overquote Included, Plesk Included, RYO Included, RYO
Internet traffic Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Basic Support Included Included Included
24H Support Optional Optional Optional
MailPro Windows is our solution for those wanting a service with maximum reliability, versatility and speed that is also practical to self-manage and allows the sharing of address books, appointments, calendars and tasks.

MailPro Windows starts with a minimum of 1 mailbox for small companies and can be expanded to hundreds of mailboxes for large enterprises; all with easy configuration and Backup, Antivirus and Antispam systems to guarantee the security of your data.

The MailPro services are protected by the integration of Cloud Antispam and Cloud Antivirus solutions that ensure that content is secure and free of potential threats to your corporate network. ou can create distribution lists, attach large files, configure mail on unlimited devices and synchronize calendars and address books to have your data available at all times.

Outlook Web Access interface provides a familiar Outlook webmail interface that also lets you manage your mail via simple internet connection and any desktop, smart-phone or tablet browser. RYO interface is your control panel to use in order to manage your mail domain.

Mail Smart MailPro Linux MailPro Windows Office 365
Max Space for single mailbox 1 Gb 10 Gb 50 Gb 20 Gb
Distribution groups Unlimited Depending on the purchased service plan Unlimited Unlimited
Calendar, Contacts and Task Sharing No No Yes Yes
Max number of Calendars and Contact books to synch with mobile app No No Unlimited 1
Public Folders No No Yes No
Active Directory Compatibility No No Yes, with VPNl Yes, with Azure
Centralized Company Email Signature No Yes, one signature for all users Yes, per-user custom signature No
Webmail Access Included, Horde Included, Roundcube Included, Outlook Web Access Included, Outlook Web Accessl
Personal PST archive in the cloud No No Yes, optional Yes, optional
Real-Time Backups No No Yes Yes
Mail undelete No No Yes, last 15 days Yes, last 30 days
Attachments Max Size 20 Mb 35 Mb 35 Mb 30 Mb
Max amount of mails per hour 30 300 300 410
Max amount of mails per day 100 3.000 3.000 Not defined
Max amount of mails per week 700 5.000 5.000 Not defined
Max amount of mails per month 3.000 20.000 20.000 Not defined
Antivirus Protection Included, basic antivirus Included, CloudAntivirus service Included, CloudAntivirus service Included, ForeFront service
Incoming Antispam Protection Included, basic antispam Included, CloudAntispam service Included, CloudAntispam service Included, ForeFront service
Outgoing Antispam Protection Not available Included, CloudAntispam service Included, CloudAntispam service Included, ForeFront service
Automatic unlock after spam email event No Yes, after 30 minutes Yes, after 30 minutes No
Account overquote notification Yes Yes Yes Yes
Send/Receive block after mail overquote Yes Yes No
Control Panel Included, Plesk Included, RYO Included, RYO Included, Exchange online
Internet Bandwidth Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Basic Support Included Included Included Included
24H Support Optional Optional Optional

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